Stress Without Distress

10 Steps to Counteract Chronic Stress

Stress never used to or should be a purely negative term. Small doses of stress are essential for our survival. It’s not difficult to understand when you hear stories worldwide about mothers lifting cars to save their children. It’s a burst of energy that protects us from a sudden situation or danger. As the old saying goes, too much of a good thing can harm you, small amounts of bad things may protect and be good for you.

Living a stress-free life is not only possible; it's your birthright!

Numerous researches show that the right amount of short-lived stress can tune up the brain and improve performance and health, while too little stress can lead to boredom and depression, too much can cause anxiety and poor health. 

In modern life, the stress we are experiencing is no longer short-lived and physical only. Its presence is emotional, psychological, ongoing, and long-lasting; the never-ending to-do lists, constantly growing responsibilities, endless chasing of externally dependent happiness, non-spoken pressure from society and social platforms, and relationship challenges. We are overloaded with this self-imposed stress that wreaks havoc on our health.

Check yourself out from head down. Do you suffer from any of the following:

  • Headaches, dizziness, insomnia, panic attacks

  • Blurred vision

  • Difficulty in swallowing

  • Aching neck muscles

  • Susceptibility to infections

  • High blood pressure, cardiovascular disorders

  • Over-breathing, asthma, palpitations

  • Excessive sugar in the blood

  • Nervous indigestion, stomach ulcers

  • Backache

  • Nervous rashes and allergies

  • Excessive sweating

  • Mucous colitis, constipation, diarrhea

  • Sexual difficulties, hormonal imbalances, inability to conceive

If so, then you are probably suffering from stress at an unhealthy level. 

I was chronically stressed years ago when I became a mum. My health declined significantly as a result. It took me enormous learning and practice to manage my stress. Getting a deep and regenerative sleep was my savior. Because when we are adequately recharged, our view of stress tends to be more positive. If you haven’t yet, I invite you to sign up on my website, and receive the free E-book Quantum Sleep Mastery.

Here are my other techniques to effectively counteract stress:

1. Create the right mindset. 

The body speaks the mind. Mindset is so powerful that it can determine our reality. When the mind views stress as distress, our bodies simply follow that instruction to create distress through a chain of biochemistry responses which puts our vital organs in the survival mode instead of nourishing. To disrupt this negative response we can train our minds to see stress as a natural and necessary process and make peace with it instead of fighting it.

2. Understand stress is a choice. 

The real cause of stress is you. This might not be pleasant to hear, but it’s one of the most powerful realisations that you can come to in life. Most of our modern-day stress is perceived and unreal.  Buddha says what you think you become. In other words, our mind creates stress and it then becomes our reality. The good news is that we can reverse this by understanding stress is a choice and we are in control. We might not have control of what’s happening in the outer environment but we always have the choice on how to respond to it.  

3. Know your limits.

Recognize and identify how much you can tolerate and take action before you “crack up” or become ill. This may mean you need to say no to things or people and step away from toxic relationships.

4. Make other people feel good.

This may sound counter-intuitive but making other people feel good is the secret of making yourself happier. Because we are primarily emotional beings and pos­itively affected by people who say and do things that make us feel important, valuable, and good enough. Try saying no biggie when someone makes a mistake. Try giving a genuine compliment to the people you interact with each day, it could be simply about the beautiful smile of a checkout staff in a supermarket. 

5. Surround yourself with people who love life.

Life is not always full of roses. Those who are passionate about life tend to have a positive outlook and look out for your well-being instead of trying to destroy it. Since people are a big part of our lives, it is crucial that you choose companies that bring positivity, good vibes, and support, make you feel good enough, and can help you through tough situations. 

6. Play, laugh and breathe like a child.
Playing, laughing, and diaphragm breathing are natural stress reliefs. While they are second nature for children, as adults we tend to forget how to play, have fun and even breathe. Weighed down by the pressures of work and life, we neglect to make time for ourselves. Whether it’s playing team games, a sport, a musical instrument, or just playing for laughs; practicing deep breathing techniques or just slowing your breathing down, by rediscovering your inner child, you can also discover the benefits they bring to your health and happiness. When was the last time you played and had so much fun that you completely lost track of time?  

7. Focus on personal growth.

Personal growth is the constant process of improving yourself, including working toward optimal wellness. Wellness is not just about your physical health but your mental, emotional, and social well-being too. Personal growth is what allows you to reach new levels of happiness and wellness. Try reading a book on personal growth, participating in health forums/events, listening to wellness podcasts, or learning a new skill you are passionate about. 

8. Move moderately. 

About 30 minutes a day, preferably in nature, moving your body moderately can lead to enormous benefits in terms of your mood, weight, and overall health. It doesn’t need to be athletic or difficult. Studies have shown that simply walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes or more on most days can lead to significant mood and health improvements.  

9. Connect to nature and be grounded.

It is not a secret that spending time in nature is good for you. For years, researchers have been finding how people who live near green spaces have better physical and mental health. Grounding to earth with barefoot can produce nearly instant changes in a variety of physiological measures, helping improve sleep, reduce pain, decrease muscle tension and lower stress.

10. Meditate daily.

Meditation has become one of the most popular ways to relieve stress among people from all walks of life. This ancient practice, either spiritual or not, can be 1) a quick-fix stress reliever to help reverse your body's stress response and relax physically; 2) a part of your daily routine and help you build resilience to stress, and 3) a technique you use to get centered when you're thrown off by emotional stress. ​

Stress acts as an accelerator: it will push you either forward or backward, but you choose which direction.” ―Chelsea Erieau


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