I’m Alison. A certified health coach and a speaker dedicated to helping you build the health and life of your dreams, with Ease!

Let me take you on a little journey—one that’s filled with resilience, discovery, and a whole lot of love.

Born into a family that didn’t have much, I learned early on how to be resourceful. My mom grew and cooked everything we ate—no store-bought shortcuts—and that’s where my love for real food was born. Now, I’m living the dream with two thriving food forests of my own, where I grow the very food that nourishes my family and me.

My childhood was filled with the freedom of playing outside (not screens) and being close to nature. There were no hospitals nearby—because we didn’t need them. My dad always said every medicine has 30% poison, so I learned to trust natural alternatives. His advice to me was simple but profound:

“There’s always a way. When there isn’t, make one.”

That’s been my mantra, fueling my determination and refusal to give up, no matter what life throws my way.

When I realized my dream of becoming a mom, life took a sharp turn. Depression and insomnia hit me hard, and soon after, my marriage fell apart. But the gifts from my childhood—the wisdom in resilience, self-reliance, and natural healing—came to my rescue. I didn’t turn to antidepressants; instead, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, diving deep into the realms of quantum physics, the power of the mind, and the connection to the spirit.

Guided by influential teachers like Dr. Joe Dispenza and Dr. Jack Kruse, what I found was more than just healing—I found a way to thrive.

Today, I’m living a life filled with vibrant health, purpose, and abundance.

I believe, with all my heart, that the true source of health lies within. The best doctor, pharmacy, and healthcare are always within reach inside of us. Everything we need, we already have.

When I realised …

My purpose isn’t just to live my best life; it’s to help others live theirs.

Which brings me to you.

I’m here to help you. My company, Glow Academy is built on a foundation of love, a passion for what’s possible, and a commitment to being an unstoppable force for good.

If you’ve ever felt disempowered by health or life challenges, know that you hold the power to change it all. I’m here to help you build the health and life of your dreams.

My journey of learning never ends, and I’m committed to bringing you the very best of what I’m living and discovering, always keeping it real and honest.

I’m not just a conventional health coach. I’m a Certified Health Coach passionate about quantum biology and physics. I understand (& never stop learning about) how light works within us at cellular and quantum levels—because we are truly beings of light. But don’t worry—I’ve made it my mission to simplify these complex concepts into practical, everyday solutions that can help you overcome your unique health challenges.

Through my all-encompassing Quantum Empowerment Mastery coaching program, and two focused coaching programs Empowered Within and Thrive By Nature, you will learn to master the power within you and the forces of Nature. You’ll find that you’ve mastered everything in life. No matter your challenges, you can stand in your power and create the life you desire.

Whether you’re struggling with stress, chronic illness, or simply feeling stuck in life, I’m here to guide you. If you’re ready to build the health and life of your dreams, click here to schedule a 30-minute call to start your journey.

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I’d love to learn more about you, and I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship and an extraordinary journey together.

Always remember: Anything is possible!

Alison resides in New Zealand with her loving husband (the same one) and two wonderful young sons in their dream home, surrounded by lush forests and a breathtaking ocean - a place Alison intentionally manifested!